Connecting Entrepreneurs

CougsFirst is oriented around business and economic development.
As an entrepreneur, CougsFirst! is the only network I know of where I will get business in return. Running a startup straight out of college is a tough task and I have to take advantage of networking opportunities, the benefit was clear with CougsFirst, I knew that marketing to fellow Cougs was going to be something fun and could make it easier to gain mutually beneficial business relationships that I could have an instant bond with.
I walked away from the show with solid leads and have already secured three clients that I may not of had the chance to meet otherwise. Jason Gesser with WSU Cougar Athletics, Pedro Castro with Magellen Architects, and Doug Thomas with Bellingham Cold Storage. All hired me to film aerial video for their company promotion. How great is it to be hired by our winning Rose Bowl QB to film the Cougar Legends event?
Working with fellow Cougs is unique in that the start to finish process is easy. There is an instant bond through our alma mater that enables a foundation of trust and enthusiasm to work with another from the beginning.
Business is not only about the product or service you are selling, but also the relationships that you develop along the way. CougsFirst! is unique from WSUAA because it is focused on business and the principle of building a Cougar driven economic environment. Successful alumni is key to building Washington State University and CougsFirst! is facilitating the success of my Cougar owned business.
Perspective Media LLC is a digital technology company. Focusing on bringing our clients high-end multimedia content while using the most modern photo and video equipment the market has to offer. For more information, visit their website.