New CougsFirst! Business Members – December 2024

Help us welcome more Coug businesses!
Support these new members & “Cougle It” on the CougsFirst! Business Directory. We encourage you to Think CougsFirst! for your products, services, and hiring!
Bridge Data Solutions provides IT and data solutions and services in the Pacific Northwest. Based in Redmond, WA they specialize in things like storage, computing systems, virtualization, cloud technologies, and more!
Hilliard’s Heating and Plumbing is located in the Pullman-Moscow area. They sell, service, install, and repair most major brands of heating and cooling products, as well as a wide array of plumbing products.
Pullman CrossFit is a group strength and conditioning workout. Their goal is to improve the quality of life of Pullman’s residents through expert coaching and community support.
Business Tip: Set Clear Goals and KPIs

Benjamin Franklin is credited with coining the phrase, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail,” and it’s as true today as it was when he wrote it. Start the year strong by setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for your business. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress and align your team around shared priorities. Regularly review these goals to ensure you’re on track.
Just as your motivation to keep up with an exercise program increases with the help of a good trainer, your motivation to implement and maintain good business systems will also increase with the help of your SBDC advisor.
Juliet and Alex Pouillon, owners of Domaine Pouillon winery in Lyle, Wash., had spent years focusing on creating top-quality wines rivaling the best of France’s Rhone Valley, but creating a business of value that could thrive and prosper in south-central Washington for generations to come, was still a work in progress. Working with the Washington SBDC to set up business systems and plan for growth was a game changer. Read more here.
The Washington SBDC is a program of Washington State University and provides no-cost, confidential business advising to any small business owner in the state who wants to start, grow or buy/sell a business. Contact the Washington SBDC today to speak with an expert advisor whose only agenda is to help you succeed.