May Business Tip of the Month

Start as You Mean to Proceed
Starting a business is a journey of 1,000 steps (and then some), but financial independence can be a powerful motivator. Make sure you get started on the right foot with this no-cost webinar on “How to Launch Successfully” from 12:00 to 1:30 PM on Thursday, May 30th. SBDC business advisor Taryn Hornby will provide step-by-step instructions on new business fundamentals. Peppered with practical stories and examples, this interactive class will give you concrete ideas on how to make your business start as successful as possible. Register here.
Read about one SBDC client who opened the restaurant of her dreams with the help of her SBDC advisor.
The Washington SBDC is a program of Washington State University and provides no-cost, confidential business advising to any small business owner in the state who wants to start, grow or buy/sell a business. Call the Washington SBDC today to speak with an expert advisor whose only agenda is to help you succeed.